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Which hair oil is the best for hair growth and thickness?

Which hair oil is the best for hair growth and thickness?

Okay, this goes without saying; growth, the hair oil by eleganza skin is obviously the best hair oil for growth & thickness, it’s literally in the name. It’s also linked here if you want to check it out.

But the reasons for why its the best hair oil is obviously down to the ingredients. I should really try to use a word that’s different to ‘obviously’, I can still change the second obviously but I won’t.

Anyways, back to the article itself. So which hair oil is the best for hair growth. I answered that in the first line, but in regards to individual oils that promote hair growth which are also backed by actual scientific data…well here’s the list below:


  • Rosemary oil (please don’t put pure rosemary oil on your scalp, you’ll do more damage than good)
  • Peppermint oil. Now there are two types of peppermint oil that are primarily sold. Arvenis & Piperita. You want Piperita. Anyways, please don’t put it directly on your scalp; again, you’ll do more damage than good
  • Coffee oil. Now, the caffeine in coffee oil is what actually helps hair growth. The bad news is that it is extremely hard to find good coffee oil with a high density of caffeine. Luckily, we have the highest grade of coffee oil in growth, the hair oil made by eleganza, linked here *wink* *wink*
  • Castor oil. Castor oil is great for growing already present hair strands longer. It won’t do you any good if you have patches etc. It is also very thick, so it would be advised to use a carrier oil.


All these oils are amazing for hair growth, especially the first 3. All can be found in growth, our all natural hair oil. Linked here again.


I promise this isn’t just an ad for our hair oil. 


Eleganza Skin.